Springer Journals Archival Access

  1. AI & SOCIETY (1(1);1987 - 22(4);2008)
  2. Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg (1(1);1922 - 78(1);2008)
  3. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae (1(1);1983 - 104(3);2008)
  4. Acta Mathematica (1(1);1882 - Till date)
  5. Acta Mathematica Hungarica (1(1);1950 - 121(4);2008)
  6. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series (1(1);1985 - 24(12);2008)
  7. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series (1(1);1984 - 24(4);2008)
  8. Acta Mechanica (1(1);1965 - 201(1);2008)
  9. Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (1(1);1952 - 53(3);1982)
  10. Acta Physica Hungarica (54(1);1983 - 75(1);1994)
  11. Acta Physica Hungarica Series A, Heavy Ion Physics (1(1);1995 - 27(4);2006)
  12. Acta Physica Hungarica Series B, Quantum Electronics (20(1);2004 - 26(3);2006)
  13. Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras (7(1);1997 - 23(1);2013)
  14. Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras (24(1);2014 - 24(4);2014)
  15. Advances in Computational Mathematics (1(1);1993 - 29(4);2008)
  16. Aequationes mathematicae (1(1);1968 - 76(3);2008)
  17. Agricultural Research (1(1);2012 - 2(4);2013)
  18. Algebra and Logic (7(1);1968 - 47(6);2008)
  19. Analysis Mathematica (1(1);1975 - 34(4);2008)
  20. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1858-1865) (1(1);1858 - 7(1);1865)
  21. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1867-1897) (1(1);1867 - 26(1);1897)
  22. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1898-1922) (1(1);1898 - 31(1);1922)
  23. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -) (1(1);1924 - 187(4);2008)
  24. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry (1(1);1983 - 34(4);2008)
  25. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (2(1);1990 - 54(4);2008)
  26. Annals of Operations Research (1(1);1984 - 164(1);2008)
  27. Annals of Software Engineering (1(1);1995 - 14(1);2002)
  28. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (1(1);1949 - 60(4);2008)
  29. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing (1(1);1990 - 19(6);2008)
  30. Applied Categorical Structures (1(1);1993 - 16(6);2008)
  31. Applied Intelligence (1(1);1991 - 29(3);2008)
  32. Applied Mathematics & Optimization (1(1);1974 - 58(3);2008)
  33. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (1(1);1980 - 29(12);2008)
  34. Applied Physics A (1(1);1973 - 93(4);2008)
  35. Applied Physics B (26(1);1981 - 93(4);2008)
  36. Archival Science (1(1);2001 - 8(4);2008)
  37. Archive for History of Exact Sciences (1(1);1960 - 62(6);2008)
  38. Archive for Mathematical Logic (1(1);1950 - 47(7);2008)
  39. Archive of Applied Mechanics (1(1);1929 - 78(12);2008)
  40. Archives and Museum Informatics (1(1);1987 - 13(3);1999)
  41. Argumentation (1(1);1987 - 22(4);2008)
  42. Arkiv för Matematik (1(1);1949 - 46(2);2008)
  43. Artificial Intelligence Review (1(1);1986 - 30(1);2008)
  44. Artificial Intelligence and Law (1(1);1992 - 16(4);2008)
  45. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (1(1);1983 - 23(4);2006)
  46. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (1(1);1994 - 13(4);2006)
  47. Asian Journal of Business Ethics (1(1);2012 - 2(2);2013)
  48. Astrophysics (1(1);1965 - 51(4);2008)
  49. Atomic Energy (1(1);1956 - 105(6);2008)
  50. Automated Software Engineering (1(1);1994 - 15(3);2008)
  51. Autonomous Robots (1(1);1994 - 25(4);2008)
  52. BIT Numerical Mathematics (1(1);1961 - 48(4);2008)
  53. Biological Cybernetics (1(1);1961 - 99(6);2008)
  54. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (1(1);1986 - 31(6);2008)
  55. Blätter der DGVFM (1(1);1950 - 29(2);2008)
  56. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (1(1);1939 - 70(8);2008)
  57. Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series (1(1);1970 - 39(4);2008)
  58. Bulletin on General Relativity and Gravitation (1(1);1962 - 21(1);1969)
  59. CEN Case Reports (1(1);2012 - 2(2);2013)
  60. Calcolo (1(1);1964 - 45(4);2008)
  61. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations (1(1);1993 - 33(4);2008)
  62. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (1(1);1969 - 102(4);2008)
  63. Chromatographia (1(1);1968 - 68(11);2008)
  64. Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves (1(1);1965 - 44(6);2008)
  65. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (1(1);1929 - 79(4);2004)
  66. Computational Economics (1(3);1988 - 32(4);2008)
  67. Computational Mathematics and Modeling (1(1);1990 - 19(4);2008)
  68. Computational Mechanics (1(1);1986 - 43(1);2008)
  69. Computational Optimization and Applications (1(1);1992 - 41(3);2008)
  70. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory (1(1);1995 - 14(4);2008)
  71. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) (1(1);1992 - 17(5);2008)
  72. Computing (1(1);1966 - 83(4);2008)
  73. Constraints (1(1);1996 - 13(4);2008)
  74. Constructive Approximation (1(1);1985 - 28(3);2008)
  75. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (1(1);1989 - 20(6);2008)
  76. Current Dermatology Reports (1(1);2012 - 2(4);2013)
  77. Current Geriatrics Reports (1(1);2012 - 2(4);2013)
  78. Current Nutrition Reports (1(1);2012 - 2(4);2013)
  79. Current Obesity Reports (1(1);2012 - 2(4);2013)
  80. Current Obstetrics and Gynecology Reports (1(1);2012 - 2(4);2013)
  81. Current Pulmonology Reports (1(1);2012 - 2(4);2013)
  82. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis (1(1);1965 - 44(6);2008)
  83. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (1(1);1952 - 56(12);2006)
  84. De Economist (1(1);1852 - 154(4);2006)
  85. Decisions in Economics and Finance (1(1);1978 - 29(2);2006)
  86. Designs, Codes and Cryptography (1(1);1991 - 49(1);2008)
  87. Discrete & Computational Geometry (1(1);1986 - 40(4);2008)
  88. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems (1(1);1991 - 18(4);2008)
  89. Distributed and Parallel Databases (1(1);1993 - 24(1);2008)
  90. Dynamics and Control (1(1);1991 - 11(4);2001)
  91. EPJ direct (1(1);2000 - 4(1);2002)
  92. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics (1(1);2012 - 2(4);2013)
  93. Earth, Moon, and Planets (1(1);1969 - 103(3);2008)
  94. Economic Bulletin (11(1);1974 - 41(12);2004)
  95. Economic Change and Restructuring (1(1);1961 - 39(3);2006)
  96. Economic Theory (1(1);1991 - 29(3);2006)
  97. Education and Information Technologies (1(1);1996 - 13(4);2008)
  98. Educational Studies in Mathematics (1(1);1968 - 69(3);2008)
  99. Electrical Engineering (1(1);1912 - 90(7);2008)
  100. Empirica (1(1);1974 - 33(5);2006)
  101. Empirical Economics (1(1);1976 - 31(4);2006)
  102. Empirical Software Engineering (1(2);1996 - 13(6);2008)
  103. Engineering with Computers (1(1);1985 - 24(4);2008)
  104. Environmental Management (1(1);1977 - 38(6);2006)
  105. Environmental and Resource Economics (1(1);1991 - 35(4);2006)
  106. European Biophysics Journal (1(1);1974 - 38(1);2008)
  107. European Journal of Law and Economics (1(1);1994 - 22(3);2006)
  108. Experimental Astronomy (1(1);1989 - 22(3);2008)
  109. Experiments in Fluids (1(1);1983 - 45(6);2008)
  110. Fire Technology (1(1);1965 - 44(4);2008)
  111. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (1(1);1988 - 18(4);2006)
  112. Fluid Dynamics (1(1);1966 - 43(6);2008)
  113. Formal Aspects of Computing (1(1);1989 - 20(6);2008)
  114. Formal Methods in System Design (1(1);1992 - 33(1);2008)
  115. Foundations of Physics (1(1);1970 - 38(12);2008)
  116. Foundations of Physics Letters (1(1);1988 - 19(7);2006)
  117. Functional Analysis and Its Applications (1(1);1967 - 47(4);2013)
  118. Georgian Mathematical Journal (1(1);1994 - 6(6);1999)
  119. Heat and Mass Transfer (1(1);1968 - 45(2);2008)
  120. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation (1(1);1988 - 21(4);2008)
  121. Hungarica Acta Physica (1(1);1947 - 1(6);1947)
  122. Hyperfine Interactions (1(1);1975 - 187(1);2008)
  123. Il Cimento (1(1);1843 - 5(1);1847)
  124. Il Nuovo Cimento (1869-1876) (1(1);1869 - 16(1);1876)
  125. Il Nuovo Cimento (1877-1894) (1(1);1877 - 36(1);1894)
  126. Il Nuovo Cimento (1895-1900) (1(1);1895 - 12(1);1900)
  127. Il Nuovo Cimento (1901-1910) (1(1);1901 - 20(1);1910)
  128. Il Nuovo Cimento (1911-1923) (1(1);1911 - 26(1);1923)
  129. Il Nuovo Cimento (1924-1942) (1(1);1924 - 19(9);1942)
  130. Il Nuovo Cimento (1943-1954) (1(1);1943 - 12(6);1954)
  131. Il Nuovo Cimento (1955-1965) (1(1);1955 - 39(4);1965)
  132. Il Nuovo Cimento A (1965-1970) (1(1);1971 - 109(12);1996)
  133. Il Nuovo Cimento A Series 11 (32(4);1976 - 112(11);1999)
  134. Il Nuovo Cimento B (1971-1996) (1(1);1971 - 111(12);1996)
  135. Il Nuovo Cimento B Series 10 (40(1);1965 - 70(2);1970)
  136. Il Nuovo Cimento C (1(1);1978 - 19(6);1996)
  137. Il Nuovo Cimento D (1(1);1982 - 20(12);1998)
  138. Il Nuovo Cimento Series 10 (1(1);1855 - 28(1);1867)
  139. Integral Equations and Operator Theory (1(1);1978 - 62(4);2008)
  140. International Applied Mechanics (2(1);1966 - 44(12);2008)
  141. International Cancer Conference Journal (1(1);2012 - 2(4);2013)
  142. International Journal of Computer Vision (1(1);1987 - 80(3);2008)
  143. International Journal of Game Theory (1(1);1971 - 35(1);2006)
  144. International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (1(1);2012 - 2(4);2013)
  145. International Journal of Parallel Programming (1(1);1972 - 36(6);2008)
  146. International Journal of Speech Technology (1(1);1995 - 11(3);2008)
  147. International Journal of Thermophysics (1(1);1980 - 29(6);2008)
  148. International Journal of Value-Based Management (1(1);1988 - 16(3);2003)
  149. International Tax and Public Finance (1(1);1994 - 13(6);2006)
  150. Israel Journal of Mathematics (1(1);1963 - Till date)
  151. Japanese Journal of Mathematics (1(1);2006 - Till date)
  152. Journal d'Analyse Mathématique (1(1);1951 - Till date)
  153. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics (1(1);1992 - 28(4);2008)
  154. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing (1(1);1994 - 3(2);1996)
  155. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics (6(1);1965 - 49(6);2008)
  156. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy (2(1);1965 - 75(6);2008)
  157. Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy (1(1);1980 - 29(3);2008)
  158. Journal of Automated Reasoning (1(1);1985 - 41(3);2008)
  159. Journal of Biological Physics (1(1);1973 - 34(6);2008)
  160. Journal of Business Ethics (1(1);1982 - 69(3);2006)
  161. Journal of Business and Psychology (1(1);1986 - 21(2);2006)
  162. Journal of Chemical Sciences (87(1);1978 - 120(6);2008)
  163. Journal of Classification (1(1);1984 - 25(2);2008)
  164. Journal of Computational Neuroscience (1(1);1994 - 25(3);2008)
  165. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (1(1);1986 - 23(6);2008)
  166. Journal of Consumer Policy (1(2);1977 - 29(4);2006)
  167. Journal of Cultural Economics (1(1);1977 - 30(4);2006)
  168. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations (1(1);1989 - 20(4);2008)
  169. Journal of Earth System Science (87(3);1978 - 117(6);2008)
  170. Journal of Economic Growth (1(1);1996 - 11(4);2006)
  171. Journal of Economics (1(1);1930 - 89(3);2006)
  172. Journal of Electronic Testing (1(1);1990 - 24(6);2008)
  173. Journal of Engineering Mathematics (1(1);1967 - 62(4);2008)
  174. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics (8(1);1965 - 81(6);2008)
  175. Journal of Evolutionary Economics (1(1);1991 - 16(5);2006)
  176. Journal of Financial Services Research (1(1);1987 - 30(3);2006)
  177. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications (102(1);1968 - 14(5);2008)
  178. Journal of Fusion Energy (1(1);1981 - 27(4);2008)
  179. Journal of Geometry (1(1);1971 - 90(1);2008)
  180. Journal of Global Optimization (1(1);1991 - 42(4);2008)
  181. Journal of Heuristics (1(1);1995 - 14(6);2008)
  182. Journal of High Energy Physics (2010(1);2010 - 2013(12);2013)
  183. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (1(1);1980 - 29(12);2008)
  184. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (1(1);1992 - 31(3);2008)
  185. Journal of Market-Focused Management (1(1);1996 - 5(4);2002)
  186. Journal of Mathematical Biology (1(1);1974 - 57(6);2008)
  187. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (1(1);1987 - 44(4);2008)
  188. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (1(1);1992 - 32(3);2008)
  189. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (1(1);1973 - 155(3);2008)
  190. Journal of Network and Systems Management (1(1);1993 - 16(4);2008)
  191. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (1(1);1967 - 139(3);2008)
  192. Journal of Phase Equilibria (1(1);1980 - 24(6);2003)
  193. Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion (8(2);1987 - 29(6);2008)
  194. Journal of Population Economics (1(1);1988 - 19(4);2006)
  195. Journal of Productivity Analysis (1(1);1989 - 26(3);2006)
  196. Journal of Radiation Oncology (1(1);2012 - 2(4);2013)
  197. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (1(1);1968 - 278(3);2008)
  198. Journal of Regulatory Economics (1(1);1989 - 30(3);2006)
  199. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (1(1);1988 - 33(3);2006)
  200. Journal of Russian Laser Research (1(1);1980 - 29(6);2008)
  201. Journal of Scientific Computing (1(1);1986 - 37(3);2008)
  202. Journal of Signal Processing Systems (1(1);1989 - 53(3);2008)
  203. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (1(1);1988 - 21(8);2008)
  204. Journal of Theoretical Probability (1(1);1988 - 21(4);2008)
  205. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (1(1);1969 - 94(3);2008)
  206. Journal on Data Semantics (1(1);2012 - 2(4);2013)
  207. La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento (1(1);1969 - 2(4);1970)
  208. La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento (1971-1977) (1(1);1971 - 7(4);1977)
  209. La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento (1978-1999) (1(1);1978 - 22(12);1999)
  210. Language Resources and Evaluation (1(1);1966 - 42(4);2008)
  211. Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento Series 1 (1(1);1969 - 4(26);1970)
  212. Lettere al Nuovo Cimento (1971-1985) (1(1);1971 - 44(8);1985)
  213. Lifetime Data Analysis (1(1);1995 - 14(4);2008)
  214. Lithuanian Mathematical Journal (13(1);1973 - 48(4);2008)
  215. MOST: Economic Policy in Transitional Economies (1(1);1991 - 11(4);2001)
  216. Machine Learning (1(1);1986 - 73(3);2008)
  217. Machine Translation (1(1);1986 - 22(4);2008)
  218. Machine Vision and Applications (1(1);1988 - 19(5);2008)
  219. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine (1(1);1993 - 21(6);2008)
  220. Marketing Letters (1(1);1989 - 17(4);2006)
  221. Mathematical Geosciences (1(1);1969 - 40(8);2008)
  222. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (1(1);1956 - 68(3);2008)
  223. Mathematical Notes (1(1);1967 - 84(5);2008)
  224. Mathematical Programming (1(1);1971 - 115(2);2008)
  225. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (1(1);1988 - 20(4);2008)
  226. Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis (1(1);2012 - 2(6);2013)
  227. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (1(1);1948 - 102(3);2008)
  228. Metrika (1(1);1958 - 68(3);2008)
  229. Microsystem Technologies (1(1);1994 - 14(12);2008)
  230. Milan Journal of Mathematics (1(1);1927 - 76(1);2008)
  231. Minds and Machines (1(1);1991 - 18(4);2008)
  232. Mobile Networks and Applications (1(1);1996 - 13(6);2008)
  233. Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly (1(1);1880 - 139(12);2008)
  234. Monatshefte für Mathematik (1(1);1890 - 155(3);2008)
  235. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (1(1);1990 - 19(3);2008)
  236. Multimedia Systems (1(1);1993 - 14(6);2008)
  237. Multimedia Tools and Applications (1(1);1995 - 40(3);2008)
  238. NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin (1(1);1993 - 16(4);2008)
  239. Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (1(1);2012 - 2(4);2013)
  240. Neural Computing and Applications (1(1);1993 - 17(5);2008)
  241. Neural Processing Letters (1(1);1994 - 28(3);2008)
  242. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA (1(1);1994 - 15(4);2008)
  243. Nonlinear Dynamics (1(1);1990 - 54(4);2008)
  244. Nonlinear Oscillations (5(1);2002 - 11(4);2008)
  245. Numerical Algorithms (1(1);1991 - 49(1);2008)
  246. OR Spectrum (1(1);1979 - 28(4);2006)
  247. Open Economies Review (1(1);1990 - 17(4);2006)
  248. Open Systems and Information Dynamics (1(1);1992 - 14(4);2007)
  249. Order (1(1);1984 - 25(4);2008)
  250. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica (1(1);1971 - 57(2);2008)
  251. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals (1(1);1977 - 35(10);2008)
  252. Policy Sciences (1(1);1970 - 39(4);2006)
  253. Potential Analysis (1(1);1992 - 29(4);2008)
  254. Pramana (1(1);1973 - 71(6);2008)
  255. Probability Theory and Related Fields (1(1);1962 - 142(3);2008)
  256. Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences (1(1);1934 - 118(4);2008)
  257. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (252(1);2006 - Till date)
  258. Progress in Artificial Intelligence (1(1);2012 - 2(1);2013)
  259. Public Choice (1(1);1966 - 129(3);2006)
  260. Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS (1(1);1959 - Till date)
  261. Queueing Systems (1(1);1986 - 60(3);2008)
  262. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics (1(1);1963 - 47(4);2008)
  263. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics (8(1);1965 - 51(12);2008)
  264. Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis (1(1);1974 - 95(2);2008)
  265. Real-Time Systems (1(1);1989 - 40(3);2008)
  266. Reliable Computing (1(1);1995 - 13(6);2007)
  267. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo (1884-1940) (1(1);1887 - 63(1);1940)
  268. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo (1952 -) (1(1);1952 - 57(3);2008)
  269. Requirements Engineering (1(1);1996 - 13(4);2008)
  270. Review of Accounting Studies (1(1);1996 - 11(4);2006)
  271. Review of Derivatives Research (1(1);1996 - 9(3);2006)
  272. Review of Economic Design (1(1);1994 - 10(3);2006)
  273. Review of Industrial Organization (1(1);1984 - 29(4);2006)
  274. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (1(1);1991 - 27(4);2006)
  275. Rheologica Acta (1(1);1958 - 47(9);2008)
  276. Russian Physics Journal (8(1);1965 - 51(12);2008)
  277. Scientific Modeling and Simulation SMNS (1(1);1993 - 15(1);2008)
  278. Scientometrics (1(1);1978 - 77(3);2008)
  279. Selecta Mathematica (1(4);1995 - 14(1);2008)
  280. Semigroup Forum (1(1);1970 - 77(3);2008)
  281. Set-Valued and Variational Analysis (1(1);1993 - 16(4);2008)
  282. Shock Waves (1(1);1991 - 18(5);2008)
  283. Siberian Mathematical Journal (7(1);1966 - 49(6);2008)
  284. Small Business Economics (1(1);1989 - 27(4);2006)
  285. Social Choice and Welfare (1(1);1984 - 27(3);2006)
  286. Software Quality Journal (1(1);1992 - 16(4);2008)
  287. Solar Physics (1(1);1967 - 253(1);2008)
  288. Space Science Reviews (1(1);1962 - 141(1);2008)
  289. Statistical Methods & Applications (1(1);1992 - 17(4);2008)
  290. Statistical Papers (1(1);1960 - 49(4);2008)
  291. Statistics and Computing (1(1);1991 - 18(4);2008)
  292. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (1(1);1989 - 37(2);2008)
  293. Studia Logica (1(1);1953 - Till date)
  294. Synthese (1(1);1936 - 165(3);2008)
  295. TEST (1(1);1992 - 17(3);2008)
  296. THE GENEVA RISK AND INSURANCE REVIEW (22(1);1997 - 31(2);2006)
  297. TOP (1(1);1993 - 16(2);2008)
  298. Technology, Knowledge and Learning (1(1);1996 - 13(3);2008)
  299. Telecommunication Systems (2(1);1993 - 39(3);2008)
  300. The Annals of Regional Science (1(1);1967 - 40(4);2006)
  301. The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review (1(1);1989 - 16(3);2008)
  302. The European Physical Journal C (1(3);1998 - 58(3);2008)
  303. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (1(1);1985 - 39(11);2008)
  304. The Journal of Geometric Analysis (1(1);1991 - 18(4);2008)
  305. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics (1(3);1988 - 33(4);2006)
  306. The Journal of Supercomputing (1(1);1987 - 46(3);2008)
  307. The Journal of Technology Transfer (1(2);1977 - 31(6);2006)
  308. The Review of Austrian Economics (1(1);1987 - 19(4);2006)
  309. The VLDB Journal (1(1);1992 - 17(6);2008)
  310. The Visual Computer (1(1);1985 - 24(12);2008)
  311. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts (1(1);1962 - 121(5);2008)
  312. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics (1(1);1989 - 22(6);2008)
  313. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (1(1);1969 - Till date)
  314. Theory and Decision (1(1);1970 - 61(4);2006)
  315. Theory of Computing Systems (1(1);1967 - Till date)
  316. Trabajos de Estadistica (1(1);1986 - 6(2);1991)
  317. Trabajos de Estadistica Y de Investigacion Operativa (1(1);1950 - 36(3);1985)
  318. Trabajos de Investigacion Operativa (1(1);1986 - 7(1);1992)
  319. Transformation Groups (1(1);1996 - Till date)
  320. Transportation (1(1);1972 - 33(6);2006)
  321. Tribology Letters (1(1);1995 - 32(3);2008)
  322. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal (19(1);1967 - 60(12);2008)
  323. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (1(1);1991 - 18(5);2008)
  324. Virtual Reality (1(1);1995 - 12(4);2008)
  325. Wireless Networks (1(1);1995 - 14(6);2008)
  326. Zeitschrift für Europäisches Unternehmens- und Verbraucherrecht (1(1);2012 - 1(4);2012)
  327. Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei (1(1);1920 - 359(4);1997)
  328. Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter (1(1);1962 - 104(4);1997)
  329. Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields (1(1);1979 - 76(4);1997)
  330. Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters (1(1);1986 - 42(4);1997)
  331. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik (1(1);1950 - 59(6);2008)
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