Library Collections
The current library holdings are approximately 75,000 including books and bound volumes of journals. Library also has a small collection of CD-ROMs and Audio/Video cassettes. Library subscribes to the core research journals in the areas of interest and has online access to over 3500 journals. Library also subscribes to various electronic resources such as SCIENCE DIRECT SERVICE of Elsevier, IOP's Digital Archives, JSTOR's Digital Archives and MathSciNet database.
Collections Policy:
Library will procure the books based on the recommendations of the faculty and students. Librarian will go through the catalogs, book reviews, and other related publications and circulate them to the faculty for their perusal and recommendations. He will also organize display of books on approval, book exhibitions etc, to collect to facilitate acquiring more such books. Reference books (encyclopedias, handbooks, manuals etc) and multivolume titles will be procured on a standing order basis so that the library without any missing issues receives these publications automatically.
Requests received for procurement of books will be considered by members of the committee for recommendation once in fifteen days. This may be decided either in the meetings of the committee or by circulation. The recommendations of the committee will be sent to the Director for approval.
Journals are usually subscribed on yearly subscription basis. Requests for new subscription to journals from the faculty will have to be sent to the Librarian. Librarian will put up all the requests to the Library committee for recommendation during the renewal process of subscription i.e. once in a year. In case the journals recommended should be subscribed immediately, then it will be put up to the Library Committee by circulation for approval.
Library Committee will review the list of new subscription and renewals based on the budget allocations for journals and recommend them for subscription. These recommendations will be put up to the Director for approval.
The acquisition process will be the same for other materials also.