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Regulators : [electronic resource] Regulators III Conference, July 12-22, 2010, Barcelona, Spain / Jos�e Ignacio Burgos Gil ... [et al.], editors.

by Regulators (3rd : 2010 : Barcelona, Spain) | Burgos Gil, Jos�e I. (Jos�e Ignacio), 1962-.

Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 571.Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2012Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Computational algebraic and analytic geometry : [electronic resource] AMS special sessions on computational algebraic and analytic geometry for low-dimensional varieties, January 8, 2007, New Orleans, LA, January 6, 2009, Washington, DC, [and] January 6, 2011, New Orleans, LA / Mika Seppala, Emil Volcheck, editors.

by Sepp�al�a, Mika | Volcheck, Emil, 1966-.

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 572Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2012Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Conformal dynamics and hyperbolic geometry : [electronic resource] conferece on conformal dynamics and hyperbolic geometry in honor of Linda Keen's 70th birthday, Graduate School and University Center of CUNY New York, New York, October 21-23, 2010 / Francis Bonahon ... [et al.], editors.

by Keen, Linda | Bonahon, Francis, 1955-.

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 573Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2012Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Arithmetic, geometry, cryptography and coding theory : [electronic resource] 13th Conference on Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory, March 14-18, 2011, CIRM, Marseille, France : Geocrypt 2011, June 19-24, 2011, Bastia, France / Yves Aubry, Christophe Ritzenthaler, Alexey Zykin, editors.

by International Conference "Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory" (13th : 2011 : Marseille, France) | Aubry, Yves, 1965- | Ritzenthaler, Christophe, 1976- | Zykin, Alexey, 1984- | Geocrypt Conference (2011 : Bastia, France).

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 574Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2012Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Quasiconformal mappings, Riemann surfaces, and Teichmuller spaces : [electronic resource] AMS special session in honor of Clifford J. Earle, October 2-3, 2010, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York / Yunping Jiang, Sudeb Mitra, editors.

by Jiang, Yunping | Mitra, Sudeb | American Mathematical Society.

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 575Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2012Other title: Teichm�euller spaces.Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Groups and model theory : [electronic resource] a conference in honor of Rudiger Gobel's 70th birthday, May 30-June 3, 2011, Conference Center "Die Wolfsburg," Mulheim an der Ruhr, Germany / Lutz Strungmann ... [et al.], editors.

by G�obel, R. (R�udiger), 1940- | Strungmann, Lutz, 1971-.

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 576Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote festschrift ; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2012Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Multi-scale and high-contrast PDE : [electronic resource] from modelling, to mathematical analysis, to inversion : Conference on Multi-scale and High-contrast PDE:from Modelling, to Mathematical Analysis, to Inversion, June 28-July 1, 2011, University of Oxford, United Kingdom / Habib Ammari, Yves Capdeboscq, Hyeonbae Kang, editors.

by Conference on Multi-scale and High-contrast PDE: from Modelling, to Mathematical Analysis, to Inversion (2011 Oxford, England) | Ammari, Habib | Capdeboscq, Yves, 1971- | Kang, Hyeonbae.

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 577Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2010Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Recent advances in orthogonal polynomials, special functions, and their applications : [electronic resource] 11th International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions, and Their Applications, August 29-September 2, 2011, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganes, Spain / J. Arves�u, G. Lopez Lagomasino, editors.

by International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications (11th : 2011 : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) | Arves�u, Jorge, 1968- | Lopez Lagomasino, Guillermo, 1948-.

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 578Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2012Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Theory and applications of finite fields : [electronic resource] the 10th International Conference on Finite Fields and Their Applications, July 11-15, 2011, Ghent, Belgium / Michel Lavrauw, Gary L. Mullen, Svetla Nikova, Daniel Panario, Leo Storme, editors.

by International Conference on Finite Fields and Applications (10th : 2011 : Ghent, Belgium) | Lavrauw, Michel, 1974- [editor of compilation.].

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 579Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2012]Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Tropical geometry and integrable systems : [electronic resource] a Conference on Tropical Geometry and Integrable Systems, July 3-8, 2011, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom / Chris Athorne, Diane Maclagan, Ian Strachan, editors.

by Conference on Tropical Geometry and Integrable Systems (2011 : Glasgow, Scotland) | Athorne, Chris, 1957- [editor of compilation.] | Maclagan, Diane, 1974- [editor of compilation.] | Strachan, Ian, 1965- [editor of compilation.].

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 580Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2012]Copyright date: �A�2012Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Recent advances in harmonic analysis and partial differential equations : [electronic resource] AMS special sessions, March 12-13, 2011, Statesboro, Georgia : the JAMI Conference, March 21-25, 2011, Baltimore, Maryland / Andrea R. Nahmod, Christopher D. Sogge, Xiaoyi Zhang, Shijun Zheng, editors.

by Nahmod, Andrea R, 1964- [editor of compilation.] | American Mathematical Society [sponsoring body.] | JAMI Conference (2011 : Baltimore, Md.).

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 581Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2012]Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Computational and combinatorial group theory and cryptography : [electronic resource] AMS Special Sessions: Computational Algebra, Groups, and Applications, April 30-May 1, 2011, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, Mathematical Aspects of Cryptography and Cyber Security, September 10-11, 2011, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY / Benjamin Fine, Delaram Kahrobaei, Gerhard Rosenberger, editors.

by Fine, Benjamin, 1948- [editor of compilation.] | Kahrobaei, Delaram, 1975- [editor of compilation.] | Rosenberger, Gerhard [editor of compilation.] | AMS Special Session on Computational Algebra, Groups, and Applications (2011 : University of Nevada) | AMS Special Session on Mathematical Aspects of Cryptography and Cyber Security (2011 : Cornell University).

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 582Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2012]Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Mathematical aspects of quantization : [electronic resource] Center for Mathematics at Notre Dame, Summer School and Conference, May 31-June 10, 2011, Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Indiana / Sam Evens, Michael Gekhtman, Brian C. Hall, Xiaobo Liu, Claudia Polini, editors.

by Evens, Sam, 1961- [editor of compilation.] | Center for Mathematics at Notre Dame [sponsoring body.] | Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Quantization (2011 : Notre Dame, Ind.).

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 583Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2012]Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Analysis, geometry, and quantum field theory : [electronic resource] international conference in honor of Steve Rosenberg's 60th birthday, September 26-30, 2011, Potsdam University, Potsdam, Germany / Clara L. Aldana, Maxim Braverman, Bruno Iochum, Carolina Neira Jim�enez, editors.

by Rosenberg, Steven, 1951- [honouree.] | Aldana, Clara L, 1976- [editor of compilation.].

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 584Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote festschrift ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2012]Copyright date: �2012Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Hopf algebras and tensor categories : [electronic resource] international conference, July 4-8, 2011, University of Almer�ia, Almer�ia, Spain / Nicol�as Andruskiewitsch, Juan Cuadra, Blas Torrecillas, editors.

by Conference on Hopf Algebras and Tensor Categories (2011 : University of Almeria) | Andruskiewitsch, Nicol�as, 1958- | Cuadra, Juan, 1975- | Torrecillas, B. (Blas), 1958-.

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 585Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2013]Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Recent advances in scientific computing and applications : [electronic resource] Eigth International Conference on Scientific Computing and Applications, April 1-4, 2012, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada / Jichun Li, Hongtao Yang, Eric Machorro, editors.

by International Conference on Scientific Computing and Applications (8th : 2012 : Las Vegas, Nev.) | Li, Jichun [editor of compilation.] | Yang, Hongtao, 1962- [editor of compilation.] | Machorro, Eric A. (Eric Alexander), 1969- [editor of compilation.].

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 586Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2013]Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Diophantine methods, lattices, and arithmetic theory of quadratic forms : [electronic resource] international workshop, Banff Iternational Research Station, November 13-18, 2011, Banff, Alberta, Canada / Wai Kiu Chan, Lenny Fukshansky, Rainer Schulze-Pillot, Jeffrey D. Vaaler, editors.

by International Workshop on Diophantine Methods, Lattices, and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms (2011 : Banff, Alta.) | Chan, Wai Kiu, 1967- [editor of compilation.] | Fukshansky, Lenny, 1973- [editor of compilation.] | Schulze-Pillot, Rainer [editor of compilation.] | Vaaler, Jeffrey D [editor of compilation.].

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 587Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2013]Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Graph partitioning and graph clustering : [electronic resource] 10th DIMACS Implementation Challenge Workshop, February 13-14, 2012, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA / David A. Bader, Henning Meyerhenke, Peter Sanders, Dorothea Wagner, editors.

by DIMACS Implementation Challenge Workshop (10th : 2012 : Atlanta, Ga.) | Bader, David A, 1969- [editor of compilation.] | Meyerhenke, Henning, 1978- [editor of compilation.] | Sanders, Peter [editor of compilation.] | Wagner, Dorothea, 1957- [editor of compilation.].

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 588Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2013]Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

Algebraic and combinatorial aspects of tropical geometry : [electronic resource] CIEM Workshop on Tropical Geometry, December 12-16, 2011, International Center for Mathematical Meetings, Castro Urdiales, Spain / Erwan Brugall�e, Mar�ia Ang�elica Cueto, Alicia Dickenstein, Eva-Maria Feichtner, Ilia Itenberg, editors.

by CIEM Workshop on Tropical Geometry (2011 : Castro Urdiales, Spain) | Brugall�e, Erwan, 1977- [editor of compilation.] | CIEM (Universidad de Cantabria) [sponsoring body.].

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 589Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2013]Copyright date: �2013Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

In the tradition of Ahlfors-Bers, VI : [electronic resource] 5th Ahlfors-Bers Colloquium, March 24-27, 2011, Rice University, Houston, TX / Ursula Hamenstadt, Alan W. Reid, Rub�i Rodr�iguez, Steffen Rohde, Michael Wolf, editors.

by Ahlfors-Bers Colloquium (5th : 2011 : Rice University) | Hamenst�adt, Ursula [editor.] | Reid, Alan W [editor.] | Rodr�iguez, Rub�i [editor.] | Rohde, Steffen [editor.] | Wolf, Michael [editor.].

Series: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 590Material type: Text Text;Language: English; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2013]Online access: Contents | Contents Availability: Items available for loan: IMSc Library (1). Location(s): .

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