Kariko, Katalin

Breaking Through: My Life in Science - New York Penguin Random House 2023 - xiv, 320p. ill.

"Katalin Karikó began life as a butcher's daughter in post-war Communist Hungary: a hand-to-mouth existence in a single-room house of clay and straw with no running water. Breaking Through is her extraordinary memoir of how she achieved her dream of becoming a scientist, first in Hungary and then in the USA, and pursued her belief - despite so many telling her not to - that an elusive molecule could transform our ability to prevent disease. For three decades she worked in obscurity, battling cockroaches in a windowless lab, enduring demotion, the derision of her colleagues, even threats of deportation. But in 2020, Karikó's vision was spectacularly vindicated when her work made possible the vaccines that brought an end to the pandemic, paving the way for similar vaccines against HIV, malaria and other life-threatening diseases. As frank, wise and fearless as Karikó herself, Breaking Through is a remarkable story of tenacity, friendship and loyalty, and one woman's unshakeable commitment to her values."--förlagstext

9780593443163 (HB)

Postwar Communist-Hungary

82-32 / KAR
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India

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