Simon, Barry

Harmonic Analysis - Indian Edition - Providence American Mathematical Society (AMS) 2023 - xviii,759 p - a Comprehensive Course in Analysis Part 3 .

A Comprehensive Course in Analysis by Poincaré Prize winner Barry Simon is a five-volume set that can serve as a graduate-level analysis textbook with a lot of additional bonus information, including hundreds of problems and numerous notes that extend the text and provide important historical background. Depth and breadth of exposition make this set a valuable reference source for almost all areas of classical analysis. Part 3 returns to the themes of Part 1 by discussing pointwise limits (going beyond the usual focus on the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function by including ergodic theorems and m

9781470437787 (PB)

Sobolev spaces and other spaces of "smooth" functions, embedding theorems, trace theorems
Functions of a complex variable Spaces and algebras of analytic functions BMO-spaces

51(06) / SIM
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India

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