Baulieu, Laurent

From Classical to Quantum Fields - Oxford Oxford University Press 2017 - xvii, 931p

Relativistic invariance
The electromagnetic field
General relativity: a field theory of gravitation
The physical states
Relativistic wave equations
Towards a relativistic quantum mechanics
Functional integrals and probabilistic amplitudes
Functional integrals and quantum mechanics: formal developments
The Euclidean functional integrals
Fermions and functional formalism
Relativistic quantum fields
Geometry and quantum dynamics
Broken symmetries
Quantum field theory at higher orders
A first glance at renormalisation and symmetry
Renormalisation of Yang-Mills theory and BRST symmetry
Some consequences of the renormalisation group
Analyticity properties of Feynman diagrams
Infrared singularities
Coherent states and classical limit of quantum electrodynamics
Quantum field theories with a large number of fields
The existence of field theories beyond the perturbation expansion
Fundamental interactions
Beyond the standard model
Supersymmetry, or the defense of scalars
Tensor calculus
Differential calculus
Groups and lie algebras
A collection of useful formulae
Extract from Maxwell's A treatise on electricity and magnetism

Quantum Field Theory has become the universal language of most modern theoretical physics. This introductory textbook shows how this beautiful theory offers the correct mathematical framework to describe and understand the fundamental interactions of elementary particles.

9780198788409 (PB)

Quantum field theory
Classical Quantum field theory Textbooks

530.145 / BAU
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India

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