Thurston, William P.

Collected works of William P. Thurston with commentary Volume I : Foliations, surfaces and differential geometry - Providence American Mathematical Society (AMS) 2022 - xxi, 759p - Volume 1 .

Includes bibliographical references.

9781470463885 (HB)

Differential topology.
Geometry, Differential.
Manifolds and cell complexes -- Low-dimensional topology in specific dimensions -- 2-dimensional topology (including mapping class groups of surfaces, Teichmüller theory, curve complexes, etc.).
Manifolds and cell complexes -- Low-dimensional topology in specific dimensions -- Foliations in differential topology; geometric theory.
Manifolds and cell complexes -- Low-dimensional topology in specific dimensions -- Hyperbolic 3-manifolds.
Differential geometry -- Global differential geometry -- General geometric structures on manifolds (almost complex, almost product structures, etc.).
Group theory and generalizations -- Special aspects of infinite or finite groups -- Geometric group theory.
Group theory and generalizations -- Special aspects of infinite or finite groups -- Word problems, other decision problems, connections with logic and automata (group-theoretic aspects).
Dynamical systems and ergodic theory -- Dynamical systems over complex numbers -- Dynamics of complex polynomials, rational maps, entire and meromorphic functions; Fatou and Julia sets.

51 / THU
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India

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