Pearl, Nancy

The Writer's Library : the Authors You Love on the Books that Changed Their Lives - New Delhi Harperone 2020 - xii, 352p.

Jonathan Lethem -- Laila Lalami -- Luis Alberto Urrea -- Jennifer Egan -- T.C. Boyle -- Susan Choi -- Andrew Sean Greer -- Madeline Miller -- Michael Chabon & Ayelet Waldman -- Maaza Mengiste -- Amor Towles -- Louise Erdrich -- Dave Eggers -- Laurie Frankel -- Viet Thanh Nguyen -- Jane Hirshfield -- Richard Ford -- Siri Hustvedt -- Charles Johnson -- Vendela Vida -- Donna Tartt -- Russell Banks.

"Moving, joyful, and insightful collection of conversations with today's living literary legends about the books that changed their lives, made them think, and brought them joy, from 'American's Librarian' Nancy Pearl and noted playwright Jeff Schwager"--

9780062968494 (pbk)

Authors, American
Authors, American--Interviews
Authors, American
Authors, American--Interviews

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The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India

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