New Scientist.

How evolution explains everything about life from Darwin's brilliant idea to today's epic theory From Darwin's brilliant idea to today's epic theory - Boston, MA Nicholas Brealey Publishing 2017 - xii, 276 p. illustrations ; - NewScientist instant expert .

"This book is based on articles previously published in New Scientist together with specially commissioned content. It is authored by a range of experts" -- Page ix. Includes index.

How did we get here? All cultures have a creation story, but a little over 150 years ago Charles Darwin introduced a revolutionary new one. We, and all living things, exist because of the action of evolution on the first simple life form and its descendants. We now know that it has taken 3.8 billions of years of work by the forces of evolution to turn what was once a lump of barren rock into the rich diversity of into plants, animals and microbes that surround us. In the process, evolution has created all manner of useful adaptions, from biological computers (brains) to a system to capture energy from the sun (photosynthesis). But how does evolution actually work? In 'Evolution', leading biologists and New Scientist take you on a journey of a lifetime, exploring the question of whether life is inevitable or a one-off fluke, and how it got kick-started. Does evolution have a purpose or direction? Are selfish genes really the driving force of evolution? And is evolution itself evolving?--


Evolution (Biology)
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Evolution (Biology)
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