Shuryak, Edward

Quantum many-body physics in a nutshell - New Jersey Princeton University Press 2019 - xiii, 290p ill

Introduction -- Feynman diagrams in quantum/statistical mechanics -- Real scalar fields and the renormalizations group -- Complex scalar fields -- Liquid ⁴He -- Bose-Einstein condensation of trapped ultracold atoms -- The electron gas -- Nuclear matter -- Cooper pairing and the BCS theory of superconductivity -- Pairing in liquid ³He and in nuclear matter -- Vortices and topological matter -- Strongly coupled fermionic gases -- Numerical evaluation of path integrals -- Quantum field theories on the lattice and supercomputers -- Theory of quark-gluon plasma -- Quark-gluon plasma in experiment -- The QCD vacuum I. Monopoles and confinement -- The QCD vacuum II. Chiral symmetries and their breaking -- Chiral matter -- Cold quark matter and color superconductivity -- The QCD vaccum III: Instanton-dyons -- Parting comments.


Many body problem
Quantum theory

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The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India

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