Radha, R.

Characterizations of certain multiplier classes - 1994 - iv; 64p.


This thesis deals with the study of the multipliers. The problem of characterizing the multipliers from a Segal Algebra S(G) into the space ((L^p)(G))and from S(G) into ((A^p)(G)). A vector version of characterizations of the multipliers for the pair ( (L^1)(G), (L^p)(G) ) is also obtained. Segal Algebras are very important subalgebras of((L^1)(G)). The class of functions introduced by Wiener in 1932 in his study of Tauberian theorems is the very first example of a Segal Algebra. In this thesis, Segal Algebra, Multipliers on Segal Algebra are definded; Many lemmas and Theorems are described, proved with some remarks, and used for discussions of the present study. On discussions over 'Multipliers and A^p(G) algebras, a concrete dual space characterization for the space M(S(G), A^p(G)) where S(G) is a Segal Algebra contained in A^p(G), is obtained. And proved that for 1 L^p(G,A) be a continuous -linear operator where 1


Linear Operators Multiplier Classes Segal Algebras Vector Measures

UNM Th-47
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India

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