Balaji, V.

Cohomology of a moduli space of vector bundles - 1989 - vi; 65p.


This thesis is concerned with a study of the cohomological properties of certain moduli spaces of vector bundles over a compact Riemann Surface. This research was funded by the National Board for Higher Mathematics. Nitsure's theorem with a considerably shorter proof, using the variety N - the canonical natural moduli functor. Tom-Gysin sequence is examined by determining the Strata and their normal bundles. Exploitation of some principles to the full, derived to give a complete description of the strata of N and to compute about 2/3rd' s of the Betti numbers of N. The computations are applied with the use of studies on third intermediate Jacobian of N.


Cohomology Moduli Space Vector Bundles

UNM Th-35
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India

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