Nagaraj, S. V.

Problems in Algorithmic Number theory - 1999 - iv; 51p.


This thesis presents new results for four problems in the field of Algorithmic and Computational Number Theory. The first gives an improved analysis of algorithms for testing whether a given positive integer n is a perfect power. The second problem gives an improved upper bound on the worst case numbers for a variant of the strong pseudo prime test, very close to settling a Granville's Conjecture. The third result is about progress towards a conjecture of S.W. Graham; It is shown that his conjecture is true for an improved condition. The fourth result deals with the problem of finding the least witness w(n) of a composite number n. A number w is a witness for a composite number n if n is not a strong Pseudo-prime to the base w. Other interesting algorithmic results about witnesses are also presented.

Computer Science

Algorithmic Number Theory Computational Number Theory

UNM / Th-60
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India

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