Lerda, Alberto.

Anyons Quantum Mechanics of Particles with Fractional Statistics / [electronic resource] : by Alberto Lerda. - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992. - XI, 140 p. online resource. - Lecture Notes in Physics Monographs, 14 0940-7677 ; . - Lecture Notes in Physics Monographs, 14 .

to Fractional Statistics in Two Dimensions -- Fractional Statistics in the Chern-Simons Gauge -- Fractional Statistics in the Anyon Gauge -- Non-relativistic Chern-Simons Field Theory -- Anyons in a Magnetic Field -- Statistical Mechanics of Anyons -- Anyons and the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect -- Anyons and Conformal Field Theories.

Particles with fractional statistics interpolating between bosons and fermions have attracted considerable interest from mathematical physicists. In recent years it has emerged that these so-called anyons have rather unexpected applications, such as the fractional Hall effect, anyonic excitations in films of liquid helium, and high-temrperature superconductivity. Furthermore, they are discussed also in the context of conformal field theories. This book is a systematic and pedagogical introduction that considers the subject of anyons from many different points of view. In particular, the author presents the relation of anyons to braid groups and Chern-Simons field theory and devotes three chapters to physical applications. The book, while being of interest to researchers, primarily addresses advanced students of mathematics and physics.


10.1007/978-3-540-47466-1 doi

Geometry, algebraic.
Statistical physics.
Quantum theory.
Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory.
Statistical Physics.
Algebraic Geometry.

QC793-793.5 QC174.45-174.52

The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India

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