Numerical Simulation of Combustion Phenomena Proceedings of the Symposium Held at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France May 21–24, 1985 / [electronic resource] : edited by Roland Glowinski, Bernard Larrouturou, Roger Temam. - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1985. - IX, 404 pp. (126 pp. in French). online resource. - Lecture Notes in Physics, 241 0075-8450 ; . - Lecture Notes in Physics, 241 .

Laminar flamelet modelling of turbulent combustion -- Critiques sur la Modelisation de la Ccombustion Turbulente -- Methodes Numeriques a Convergence Rapide Utilisees Pour le Calcul Des Ecoulements Reactifs -- Aspects of the simulation of combustion in reciprocating engines -- The KIVA computer program for multidimensional chemically reactive fluid flows with fuel sprays -- Numerical and asymptotic analysis of systematically reduced reaction schemes for hydrocarbon flames -- Spray combustion simulation -- Some new solutions of the flame front equation -- Auto-Organisation Transitoire du Modele de Kuramoto-Sivashinsky -- Approximation Particulaire D'une Onde de Detonation -- Unsteady combustion of solid propellants -- Gas flows generated by solid-propellant burning -- Calcul de la Volatilisation D'un Grain de Charbon dans le cas D'une MonteeE en Temperature non Lineaire -- Numerical calculations of strained premixed laminar flames -- Elasticity of flame fronts and numerical experiments -- Simulation Numerique D'une Flamme de Diffusion Turbulente de Grande Dimension en Presence de Vent Traversier Pour la Prediction du Champ de Rayonnement Emis -- Model Transitoire de Combustion Dún Propergol Compose de Mousse de PolyurethaneE Chargee en Octogene -- Extinction limits of premixed catalysed flames in stagnation point flows -- A predictor corrector semi-implicit pressure solver for compressible two phase flows -- Utilisation de Maillages Adaptatifs pour la Simulation de Flammes Monodimensionnelles Instationnaires -- Some computational techniques for studying chemical kinetics -- Numerical aberrations in a Stefan problem from detonation theory -- Numerical bifurcation in chambered diffusion flames -- Methode des Elements Finis Deformales Adapte a L'etude de L'Aerodynamique Interne des Chambres de Combustion -- Combustion D'une Goutte en Milieu Reactif Avec Decomposition Exothermique Prealable du Combustible -- Contribution to the numerical analysis of Laminar stationary flames -- Application of pole decomposition to an equation governing the dynamics of wrinkled flame fronts -- Flame propagation and ignition in hydrocarbon-air mixtures up to octane.


10.1007/BFb0008648 doi

Mathematical physics.
Electrical Power Generation and Transmission.
Mathematical Methods in Physics.
Numerical and Computational Methods.
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India

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